Terms and conditions for the purchase of sungate beauty spa gift vouchers

  2. The Vendor provides the Clients with the possibility to purchase services through the purchase of VOUCHERS. The Vendor offers the possibility to purchase the so-called AMOUNT VOUCHERS and COMMEMORATION VOUCHERS in the SUNGATE BEAUTY & SPA salon and via the Internet.
  3. The purchase of VOUCHERS at SUNGATE BEAUTY & SPA does not involve any additional charges. At the request of the Buyer, the VOUCHER may be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the order - in this case it is an electronic VOUCHER. VOUCHERS can also be sent by courier (additional cost 20 PLN in the area of Warsaw. AMOUNT VOUCHERS and COMMEMORative VOUCHERS can also be issued as an elegant gift wrapped in a decorative envelope. A gift bag can be purchased with the VOUCHER for the price of PLN 5. When purchasing more than 250 zł the bag is added free of charge.
VOUCHERS can also be purchased by placing an order via the order form available on the website https://spasungate.pl/. or by emailing info@spasungate.pl
  1. The order will be processed once proof of payment has been sent to SUNGATE BEAUTY & SPA at info@spasungate.pl.
  2. In the case of VOUCHERS ordered via the Internet or by phone, the Customer may choose a form of payment using the PayU system, by prepayment (bank transfer) or by cash or card in person at the info@spasungate.pl showroom (Plac Powstańców Warszawy 2A, 00-030 Warsaw). The Seller confirms the receipt of the order and transfer details by e-mail to the address provided by the Buyer in the order.
  3. In the case of payment via PayU or bank transfer, reservations for services within the VOUCHER can only be made after the payment is credited to the Seller's account.
  4. In the event of loss or destruction of the AMOUNT VOUCHER OR GIFT VOUCHER, the Seller shall not be liable or compensate for the loss caused by the situation.
  1. The AMOUNT VOUCHERS AND PROMOTION VOUCHERS are issued to bearer, contain a specific serial number and entitle to use the services at SUNGATE BEAUTY & SPA in accordance with the valid price list and the value of the AMOUNT VOUCHER OR PROMOTION VOUCHER.
The AMOUNT VOUCHER and PROMOTIONAL VOUCHER can be used to pay for all services according to the offer available on the website (with the exception of aesthetic medicine treatments), online. https://spasungate.pl/ However, they cannot be used to pay for cosmetics offered for sale at SUNGATE BEAUTY & SPA.
  1. AMOUNT VOUCHERS and PROMOTION VOUCHERS are valid for a period of 3 months from the date of their purchase. During this period the holder of the VOUCHER is obliged to book and perform the services guaranteed by the Seller at SUNGATE BEAUTY & SPA. After the expiration of the validity period of a CASH VOUCHER or a COMMUNIVERSARY VOUCHER, the unused value of the VOUCHER (i.e. the value of the services, in full or in unused part) due to the guarantee character of the VOUCHER will not be realised by the Seller.
  2. AMOUNT VOUCHERS and PROMOTION VOUCHERS can be used during one or several visits, depending on the number and type of services purchased or their value within the amount of the AMOUNT VOUCHER or PROMOTION VOUCHER.
  3. The AMOUNT VOUCHER and the COMMUNIST VOUCHER are not refundable or exchangeable for cash. The seller does not provide for the possibility of giving change in cash from VOUCHERS that are redeemed for more than the value of the services used.
  4. The holder of the Voucher may pay a surcharge on the VOUCHER if the value of the services he/she wishes to use is higher than the value of the purchased AMOUNT VOUCHER or COMMUNIST VOUCHER.
  5. Payment with VOUCHERs cannot be combined with current promotions and discounts.
  6. GIFT VOUCHERS for selected services or service packages can be exchanged for all other services from the SUNGATE BEAUTY & SPA offer for the same amount or more expensive ones at a surcharge.
  7. AMOUNT VOUCHERS entitle you to the services of your choice.
  1. The use of the AMOUNT VOUCHER OR THE GIFT VOUCHER requires the booking of a service date.
  2. To arrange a convenient date for the service, please contact the reception at tel: info@spasungate.pl or via the booking form posted on https://spasungate.pl/
  3. When making your booking, please inform reception that you will be paying for your treatment with a CASH VOUCHER or a COMMEMORATION VOUCHER and include the VOUCHER number.
  4. In the absence of a cancellation of a service reservation within the scope of a QUOTA VOUCHER OR a COMMEMNIVATION VOUCHER by telephone, e-mail or in person 24 hours prior to the appointment, the QUOTA VOUCHER and the COMMEMNIVATION VOUCHER shall be deemed to have been redeemed due to the circumstance of the guarantee nature of the service appointment reservation.
  5. The AMOUNT VOUCHER and the COMMUNIST VOUCHER must be presented at the reception before the treatment.
  6. Seller information SUNGATE BEAUTY & SPA ,Plac Powstańców Warszawy 2A, 00-030 Warszawa, NIP: 959-161-41-05 Contact: info@spasungate.pl , tel. +48 22 428 36 16.
V.Other provisions
  1. An integral part of the VOUCHER & GIFT VOUCHER is these Terms and Conditions, which are available at the reception of SUNGATE BEAUTY & SPA salon. When placing an order, the Buyer declares that he has read and accepts these Terms and Conditions in their entirety.
  2. The seller reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions.
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